

1.reasonable a.合理的;通情达理的;公道的;尚好的

2.affect v.影响;感动

3.benefit n.益处 v.有益,得益

4.debate v./n.辩论,争论

5.directly ad.直接地;立即

6.element n.要素;元素;基础;自然环境

7.essential a.必不可少的;本质的 n.(pl.)要素,要点;必需品

8.identify vt.把...等同于;认出,鉴定 vi.认同

9.intend vt.想要.打算,企图

10.investment n.投资(额)

To the men and women who served in World War II and the people they liberated the G.I. was the common man grown into hero, the poor farm kid torn away from his home, the guy who bore all the burdens of battle, who slept in cold foxholes, who went without the necessities of food and shelter, who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder.


状语 To the men and women who served in World War II and the people they liberated

主语 the G.I.

谓语 was

宾语 the common man grown into hero, the poor farm kid torn away from his home, the guy who bore all the burdens of battle,

定语 who slept in cold foxholes, who went without the necessities of food and shelter, who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder.







